Time Off

Configuration, Employee request, Approval workflow, leave balances and accruals, notification and communication etc.


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  • Employee Scheduling
  • Self Service Portal
  • Sick Leave Tracking
  • Time Tracking
  • Timesheet Management
  • Vacation/Leave Tracking
  • Mobile Access
  • Payroll Management
  • Reporting/Analytics
  • Salaried Employee Tracking

One-stop solution for leave management

Simplify your leave management processes with Time Off.

Enjoy a hassle-free leave management experience with Time Off. Keeps track of all leave requests on a single view. Customizable settings to suit the needs of even complicated workflows. Streamlines the workflow as a manager can plan work distribution of work/tasks.


Automatic update of accruals or carryovers

Accruals and carryovers are taken care of and updated automatically. Reduces the chances of error or miscommunication between a manager and an employee.

Easy categorization of leaves

Creates easy categorization of leaves into groups and subgroups. Each employee can be assigned a specific category based on his/her eligibility. The system is seamless and brings the highest level of organization in a company’s workflow.

Get notified for each request

Set custom notifications that show approval requests for vacations. Approve or cancel leave and add a note on the grounds of rejection. The system keeps you updated with the vacation requests and approval status of each leave.

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