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The Business4x Requisition Module enables accountants and non-accounting staff to create purchase requests from their desktop computer

Administrators can enforce specific requirements to reduce errors and ensure that information is accurately provided to properly process a request. Once submitted and approved through a multi-level approval process, it is automatically converted to a purchase order and seamlessly transferred to MIP Fund Accounting™ Software as an un-posted encumbrance or A/P transaction. 

Budget Control

Allows users and approvers to have real-time budget control allowing them to see the latest financial data in MIP’s™ general ledger.

Purchase Order Entries

Users can easily enter and submit their own request by creating a new requisition document. You can submit or copy an existing requisition to assist in increasing accuracy and efficiency for frequently ordered items.

Purchase Order To Invoice

Works hand-in-hand with MIP Fund Accounting™ allowing easy integration with existing data. The Requester submits a requisition, waits for approval and then places the order. The purchase order is matched with the vendor invoice and transferred to MIP Fund Accounting™ A/P Module.

System Alerts

Enforces policies by creating alerts! The system will send reminders when documents are not approved in a timely manner.

HTML Approval

Allows approval via a PC, Tablet or Smart Phone

Purchase Order To Encumbrance

The Requester submits a requisition, waits for approval and then places the order. The purchase order is encumbered in MIP Fund Accounting™ and later liquidated through the MIP Fund Accounting™ invoicing process.

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