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  • Lead Management
  • Email Marketing
  • Drip Campaigns
  • Event Triggered Email
  • Product Catalog
  • Quotes / Proposals
  • Referral Tracking
  • Client Portal
  • Real-time, searchable Activity Stream
  • Interactive sales & pipeline dashboard
  • Automatic email attachment storage
  • Custom fields, lists & categories
  • Powerful search, filtering & reporting
  • Email Automation

Automate Lead Generation, Client Acquisition, Conversion, and Upselling

Enrich your marketing campaigns with the all-inclusive Business4x Marketing Automation Tool that combines email marketing, CRM, and analytics to enhance your outreach and multiply your conversions.

Business4x Marketing Automation Tool: A Comprehensive Smart Email Marketing Tool

Nurture your leads, rush them down the sales funnel, convert faster, and retain them with powerful tools. Let technology do the hard work for you.

Personalize Your Customer Journeys

Exercise superior control over your customers’ journey & experience through the sales funnel.

Automate Sales Funnel Movement of Customers

Set triggers, conditions, and actions of engagement to offer your prospects a personalized brand experience leading up to sales

Analyze, Improve, and Replicate the Success of Email Campaigns

Analyze the email campaigns at their various stages, identify the best-performing strategies, and improve the campaigns

Design, Optimize, and Enrich Your Customer’s Journey Effortlessly

Create customized customer journeys for different target segments and let technology lead them through the sales funnel to the conversion stage.

Engage With Multiple Segments Meaningfully

Segment your prospects, leads, and customers and create highly targeted emails that engage each of the segments in meaningful ways

Build Customer Relationships

Schedule automated emails with new signups to send birthday wishes, anniversary wishes, top blog posts lists, event reminders, and more to establish a brand connect with the audience

Extreme Customization

Create logical “next steps” for your prospects and leads. Create hyper-targeted follow-ups that reflect your target’s demographics, interests and behavior to maximize conversions


The Marketing Automation Tool integrates with the Business4x platform to deliver a seamless and smooth in-app experience on top of a multi-channel toolset.

Beautiful, Engaging, and Professional Emails That Captivate Your Audience

A full-featured email builder, enhanced with built-in templates and customizations for creating stunning, elegant, and conversion-oriented marketing emails.

Excite and Inspire

Custom building tools and standard email templates to help you create stunning and compelling emails that stimulate desired responses

Responsive Emails

Cutting-edge email tools allow you to build sophisticated emails that work brilliantly across different platforms and devices, be it desktops, mobiles, or others.

Personalize With Visual Builder

Leverage the visual builder to incorporate elements that deliver the best results for each of the target segments.

Targeted Coupons

Generate and send personalized coupons to your customers for products that they are interested in. Increase hyper-targeted conversions

Exercise Unprecedented Control Over Your Customers’ Purchase Journey

Everything you need to create a coherent and compelling customer decision journey that rewards your email responders with useful information and guides them into the next stage of the sales funnel.

Trigger Messages For Every Engagement

Create automated follow-up emails that are triggered based on your audience’s engagement with the email campaigns.

Unify your campaign outreach for seamless experiences

Integrate multi-channel customer outreach campaigns like digital ads, feedback forms, landing pages, and more to deliver a unified and coherent brand experience across multiple channels

Advanced Page Builder

Drag-and-drop enabled page builder allows you to build sophisticated landing pages, feedback forms, sign up forms, and more to create

Win Back Inactive or On the Edge Customers

Automated and timely follow-up emails to remind customers of their abandoned carts, upcoming subscription renewal, Wishlist updates, and more with time-limited offers to convert hot leads

Experience the Power of Advanced and In-depth Analytics

Everything you need to create a coherent and compelling customer decision journey that rewards your email responders with useful information and guides them into the next stage of the sales funnel.

KPIs and Metrics That Matter

Predefined KPIs that allow you to monitor the performance of your email and refine them to perfection

Become Relevant

Track and monitor the behavior of your audience and get deeper insights into their engagement with various elements of your email. Leverage it to create high-impact email campaigns

Measure ROI

Measure the impact, the cost-benefit ratio, and the overall effectiveness of your email campaigns to make smarter decisions

Dashboard Insights

Simple and easy to understand dashboard provides quick access to all the important email campaign metrics that matter

100+ companies run Business4x to grow their businesses.

Join us and make your company a better place.