Inspections Management


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Question Bank

  • Maintain a repository of frequently used questions.
  • Configure questions with different answers, answers with different scores and violations.
  • Automatically generate follow-up questions based on specific answers.

Dynamic Inspection Templates and Actions

  • Configurable inspection templates tailored to various business types.
  • Configurable actions for various inspection results.

Inspection Process

  • Detailed Inspection based on the inspection templates.
  • Team assignment to each inspection.
  • Score calculation as per the response entered.
  • User friendly interface for the inspectors to select answers and add remarks.
  • Take multiple actions based on the result of the inspection.

Exercise Unprecedented User and Role Management

  • Implement role-based access controls for different user levels.
  • Secure login for both system administrators and portal users.
  • Maintain detailed audit trails of all user activities.

Integrated with Invoicing and Accounting

Automatically invoice/ challan creation as per the selected action configuration.

Batch Inspection

Create multiple inspection record for different businesses through a single form to save time and increase efficiency.

Reporting and Analytics

Keep track of inspection assigned to different teams.

Generate detailed inspection report with all relevant data and send through email.

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