Email Marketing

Create and manage email campaigns, Email lists, Schedule and track Email delivery & response etc.


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  • Auto-Responders
  • Drip Campaigns
  • Dynamic Content
  • Image Library
  • List Management.
  • Mobile Optimized Emails
  • Reporting/Analytics
  • Segmentation
  • Subscriber Management
  • Template Management
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Landing Pages/Web Forms
  • Event Triggered Actions
  • Customer Surveys

Intuitive & easy email marketing

Just select a template, adjust a few pictures, write a few lines, and you are all set.

Design emails from the scratch

Campaign your way into a customer’s inbox by crafting a crisp and meaningful email. Creating a  newsletter was n ever so easy! Get full control over content and design and enjoy customizable features like social media sharing buttons, calls-to-action, and so on.

Improved click and open rates

Looking for improved click rates? Improve your click rates and drive sales by categorizing users - potential leads, old customers, and new customers. Or categorize the list via country, demographic, and date.Business4x’s email marketing system allows  you to streamline your campaign by targeting specific groups to generate sales and  profit.

Encourage prospects to subscribe

Business4x’s email marketing helps you to reach out to your prospects. Create an email list of prospects and send automated emails along with an easy-to-fill subscription form. The system takes care of unsubscriptions, and you won’t need to handle each unsubscription manually.

Access detailed reports on the performance of your email campaign

Get a detailed report on the conversion rate and revenue generated via each email campaign.Business4x brings in-depth and real-time analysis of each email that you send out to the world! The detailed report empowers you to send improved emails in the future.

100+ companies run Business4x to grow their businesses.

Join us and make your company a better place.