
Setup budget structure, Define budgets, Assign budget, Enter Budget lines, Monitor budget Vs actuals, Budget Revision, Analyze variances, Budget reporting, Website integration etc.


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Predefined Financial Plans

In Business4x website, a budget refers to a predefined financial plan or estimate that helps track and manage projected revenues and expenses for specific departments or projects, facilitating effective budget allocation and monitoring within the organization.

Budget Dashboard

You can see all consolidated status of organization budget in single screen.

Budget Allocation

  • Create different types of budgets like operational and developmental.
  • Create multiple budget lines and link it with chart of accounts.
  • Allocate budget to each budget line for a specific period.
  • Manage budget revision and track its history.

Budget Reports

There are multiple reports for analysis and monitoring of budgets. 

  • Every report has filters for comparative analysis of budget period wise or project wise. You can filter the report according to dates, budget types, branch, project etc. 
  • It can be downloaded into PDF and exported as XLSX. 
  • You can fold and unfold to see the detailed breakdown.


  • This section of budget is linked with account section. They make entry in account payables and it reflects in Expenditure section of budget.
  • Make expenses at accounting module as per budget available and get alerts if expense exceeds the limit.

Budget Surrender

  • The remaining or exceeded budget at the end of period completed can be submitted to donor.
  • System automatically passed journal entries.

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